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Creating and Sharing a Pinterest Public Pin Board

It is now possible to use StairArtist to create a portfolio of staircase layouts for sharing and interacting with your customer.

StairArtist makes this possible with the new social network button for sharing on Pinterest:  

You will need to open an account at Pinterest to create staircase layout portfolios to share with your customers.  Opening an account at Pinterest is fast, easy, and free.  To do so, go to

Portfolios of staircase layouts you create as public pin boards may be shared with anyone, even if he or she does not have a Pinterest account.  In fact, anybody will have access to the contents of your public pin board.  To create a pin board that will be visible only by you and the person with whom you share it, see the instructions here.

To create and share a public pin board of staircase layouts
using StairArtist and Pinterest, proceed as follows:

1.  Log into your Pinterest account.
2.  Click the button that looks like    in the top, right corner of the Pinterest web page.
3.  Choose "Create a Board" from the resulting menu.
A dialog box will appear.
4.  Enter a title and description for the pin board, in the dialog box.
5.  Make sure the toggle button next to the label "Secret" is set to "No", in the dialog box.
6.  Click the button labeled "Create Board", near the bottom of the dialog box.
The empty pin board will appear.  You will now populate the pin board
with staircase layouts, using StairArtist.
7.  In your StairArtist tool, create a staircase layout to share with your customer.
8.  Click on the    button in StairArtist, to share the layout on Pinterest.
A window will open, requesting information about the Pinterest share you are performing.
9.  Select the pin board title you entered in step 4, above, from the droplist.
10. Enter a description of the staircase layout in the provided text area.
11. Click the    button.
The page will disappear, and you will be taken back to your StairArtist tool.
12. Open the browser window containing the Pinterest pin board.
13. Refresh the web page and observe that the staircase layout appears.
14. Repeat steps 7 - 13, to add additional staircase layouts to the pin board.
15. Create an email message addressed to your customer.
16. Open the browser window containing the Pinterest pin board.
17. Copy the URL of the pin board from your browser, and paste it into the email message.
18. Send the email.

Do you have any questions?  Contact us for more information.